About us

Why Choose Novarex

We strive to be your best label supplier every day.
We are conscious of the fact that the safety of a product, its traceability and the possibility of passing on information to the consumer depend on its label. We focus on materials and workmanship for the best quality.

Full traceability

of the purchased product starting with the raw materials.


order processing and delivery.


regarding the information provided about the product sold.

Why Novarex

About our Work

We have selected trusted partners for our raw materials with proven experience and excellent results in the industry. Such partnerships are based on their level of dedication, expertise and proven professionalism, resulting in quality-driven collaborations.


The service focuses on clarity, availability and a determination to find the best solution together.


A transparent arrangement
designed to meet the needs
of each customer.


Prompt start-up of production to respond to urgencies and priorities, with careful checks throughout the processing cycle.


On schedule. Optimised streamlined organisation of the process allows us to fulfil each order on schedule, without losing the quality of the finished product and meeting the agreed delivery dates.


We are prepared to address and satisfy every need.

Why Novarex

Our Commitment to Sustainability

We as a company, and as individuals, are aware of our impact on the environment and the extent to which this needs to be controlled and constantly addressed with green solutions. For this reason, since 2014, we have embarked on a mission to make our work increasingly sustainable.

Aware that sustainability comes through making practical choices, we have implemented several measures of improvement that make our commitment a reality.

Why Novarex

About our Work

We have selected trusted partners for our raw materials with proven experience and excellent results in the industry. Such partnerships are based on their level of dedication, expertise and proven professionalism, resulting in quality-driven collaborations.

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